Urban beekeeping is finally for everyone

All residential installations come standard with BizzyBee’s dual hive apiary approach. That’s right, your home apiary will include two honeybee colonies housed in hive equipment featuring the latest in beekeeping technology focused on increased insulation, pest control and overall honeybee health. Dual hives also allow for resource sharing which can mitigate against hive collapse and help ensure that your colonies thrive and produce your very own LIQUID GOLD during harvest season.

BizzyBee will handle everything from the initial site assessment, to hive installation and management.

Once your bees produce honey we handle the processing and delivery of your honey. All the benefits of having your own bees, and none of the challenges that accompany proper apiculture management.

Honey yield is approximately 5 gallon per dual hive apiary.

There is a $300 setup fee per hive, and we will coordinate install-date after the initial assessment.

Customize your Membership
select the checkboxes for the following items before checking out.)

This option upgrades your rental to include an additional hive at 33% off. ($300 setup, $100/month, 2 gallons of honey/year)
Labeled Jars
Bottling in Conveniently-sized, Labelled Jars (24 1lb jars, 30 1/3lb jars). ($300 / season)
Flavored Honey
1 gallon/year (available in: Vanilla, Cinnamon, Hot, Lavender, Cacao) reply to membership email with your preferred flavor. Delivery times may be delayed). ($50 / gallon)
Hive Scale
For our data hungry members add a hive scale to receive increased information about your hives ($300 / hive)
Personalized Honey Spinning
Want to help harvest? Let’s make it an event with a honey spinning from your frames, in your hives on your property. ($500)