Corporate Hive Hosting

Build a more sustainable community and bolster your local agriculture.
Hosting a hive on your campus is an excellent way to positively impact your community. Plus, it has the added benefit of helping you meet your Sustainable Development Goals. As outlined by the United Nations, there are 17 goals for sustainable development. Here are just a few that we help accomplish:
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SDG Goal #3

Health and

Bees play a critical role in our health and survival. They are estimated to be responsible for pollinating 1 in every 3 bites of food we eat, making their preservation a matter of utmost urgency and responsibility.

Bees play a crucial role in maintaining the health of ecosystems, supporting the growth of plants that sustain life. Through their structured colonies, bees contribute to the orderly functioning of natural processes, from pollination to food production.

By pollinating crops and plants, bees help sustain the environments that provide food and shelter for communities. The continuous cycle of nature depends on bees, whose work ensures the survival of countless species. Bees are essential for maintaining biodiversity, supporting the rich variety of life that thrives in our ecosystems.
SDG Goal #9

Industry, Innovation and Infrastracture

Land development, pesticide use, and invasive or genetically-modified plants are just some of the factors that degrade bees' food and shelter. By promoting bee safety and infrastacture, you are also helping to focus on pollinator-friendly plants.
SDG Goal #11

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Honey bees are known as an "indicator species" and are an important data source as they often reflect the health of our environment. Bees also help to build local food systems and provide locally produced honey. More simply, without honey bees, the agricultural system would collapse.
SDG Goal #12

Responsible Consumption and Production

Hosting a hive is a responsible step as it helps offset a larger carbon footprint while producing locally sourced and supported honey.
SDG Goal #15

Life on Land

Maintaining beehives offers a straightforward method to showcase a dedication to sustainability, improving the brand reputation of hotels, restaurants, and property managers. Beekeeping additionally provides an excellent opportunity to involve stakeholders in corporate sustainability initiatives.

Partnerships Support

  • Bespoke apiary configurations
  • Support local pollination
  • Augment LEED, ESG and SDG initiatives
  • Featured on BizzyBee corporate sponsor page
  • Hyper local honey from your apiary (for your institution or donation)
  • White labeled jars available
  • DNA sequencing to support honey bee research
  • Awareness and educational signage for your campus
  • Pollinator garden upgrades available
  • Corporate engagement events
  • and much more…

Get Bizzy With Us

  • Get employees involved with us in a workshop setting
  • Sponsor recognition on our website
  • Allow team members to spend time with the bees, and enjoy delicious local honey
  • Teams with a shared passion or project often feel closer and more engaged with each other, doubly so when a natural setting is involved
  • Engaging with employees and teams in the outdoors helps cultivate lower stress, a stronger sense of well-being, and improved cognitive functioning (and so much more)

Host a Hive

Please fill out the form below to schedule a meet and greet, where we will plan out the best hive layout for your space.
Corporate Form


Virtual or in Person visit?*

Top 3 days to meet *

Proposed Spot/Location Photo

(Optional) Send us an image of your space so we can start planning before we meet!

Maximum file size: 516MB

See ya

Thanks for your interest! We’ll be in touch over email to schedule an in person or a virtual visit